How can you help?
What we do is just a drop in the ocean. But thanks to us, that ocean will be one drop smaller.
Financial assistance
We always need material resources for beneficial projects. From buying paper and printer cartridges to paying for specialists who work with children. And believe us, every amount counts, because when there are many of us, only together we can be strong. There are several ways you can help us: by sending a text message to a short number, by transferring money directly to our website, or by using your Internet bank details directly at the bank office. You can find out more about each option by clicking on the link below.
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Become a volunteer
We always welcome new people in our team. We look forward to getting to know you better and to share with you how to give warmth, new knowledge and support to our beneficiaries in the most environmentally friendly way possible. You can fill in the volunteer questionnaire at the link below.
Fill in the application form
Pro Bono
In addition to financial assistance, we also highly value professional help. If you are a lawyer, accountant, designer, PR manager, marketing expert, teacher, psychologist, programmer, purchasing specialist or fundraiser and you are willing to help the Foundation in your professional area, we would be most grateful. We are always looking for help with the maintenance of the website, the blog and social media, the design of printed layouts, the development of manuals, recurring donation forms and much more. You can indicate how you would like to help by clicking on the link below.
Fill in the application form
Corporate collaboration
We are happy to offer commercial companies multiple options for collaboration; we can also arrange a face-to-face meeting.
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